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Filling The Gaps

Benefits word on a red 3d magnet pulling ball bearings to illustrate customers lured by a new product’s features or perks of a new job or career position

If you’re like most business owners, you offer vacation time to your employees. And if your employees are like most workers, they’ll take some time off during the summer when the kids are out of school and the weather is nice. For many business owners, temporary workers help fill the gaps during this time. If your business is considering a temporary staffing solution, consider this:


Older workers have the experience businesses want, and many retirees willingly return to the workforce for a few months of extra cash. Tap this source of expertise through groups like AARP and your local business organizations. Conversely, younger workers are hungry to gain experience, which can make them dedicated employees.


Many businesses don’t offer temporary employees benefits, although some temporary staffing agencies that place temps may. If you hire temps directly, offering some level of benefits can give your business the edge when vying for the best and the brightest.

12101 Woodcrest Executive Drive, Suite 300
St. Louis, MO 63141
P: 314-205-2510

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