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Form 1099 for Individuals

From selling a home to earning interest on a bank account, most taxpayers receive a Form 1099 at some time. Common 1099s individuals receive include:

1099-DIV – When you own a stock or other security and receive a distribution of more than $10.

1099-INT – When you receive more than $10 in interest from a financial institution.

1099-G – When you receive unemployment compensation, a state or local income tax refund, certain agricultural payments or taxable governmental grants.

1099-R – When you withdraw at least $10 from retirement plans, IRAs or certain insurance contracts.

1099-S – When you make at least $600 from the sale or exchange of real estate.

1099-SA – When you make payments or distributions from your health or medical savings account.

SSA-1099 – When you receive benefits from the Social Security Administration.

12101 Woodcrest Executive Drive, Suite 300
St. Louis, MO 63141
P: 314-205-2510

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