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Questions And Answers


A competitor of mine claims that he bought a disability income insurance policy that reimburses him for business expenses if he becomes disabled. Is that a thing?


Yes it is. Think of it as a disability income insurance policy for your business to alleviate the difficulty of paying company bills if you became temporarily disabled. Business Overhead Expense Insurance, or BOE, helps defray a company’s regular bills including rent or mortgage, utilities, loan payments and other fixed expenses. This differs from a typical disability income insurance policy, which pays a portion of lost income in the event of disability. An insurance professional can help you decide if BOE is appropriate for your business.


My daughter will attend college next year and most colleges suggest we file something called a FAFSA to qualify for aid. What is this and when does she need to file it?


Most colleges and the federal government require students’ families to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid — FAFSA — as a way to determine financial aid eligibility. You should hurry if your daughter is attending college this fall. The filing deadline began on October 1, 2018 and generally funds are awarded until depleted, but typically no later than the federal deadline of June 30. Check out https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/fafsa for more info.

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St. Louis, MO 63141
P: 314-205-2510

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